Since we spent so much time at sea this week, we felt it was fitting to find a quote from a man who served on the waves. Commander-in-Chief of the American Pacific Fleet during World War II, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz knew a thing or two about keeping ships in fighting shape. Badly damaged by enemy planes during the Battle of the Coral Sea in May, 1942, many thought the USS Yorktown would be out of action for months. Known to her crew as "The Fighting Lady, Nimitz's ordered repairs on the flattop to be carried out around the clock, making her seaworthy in time for the pivotal Battle of Midway, fought just a few weeks later. Tongue planted firmly in cheek, Nimitz suggested how the process related to an old nautical tradition:
A ship is always referred to as a she because it costs so much to keep one in paint and powder.

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